The Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. Recruitment for Various Posts 2017
Total Posts: 12 Posts
Posts Name & Age Limit:
1. General Manager: 02 Posts
Age: 45 to 55 Yrs.
2. Asstt. General Manager: 03 Posts
Age: 40 to 50 Yrs.
3. H R D Manager: 01 Post
Age: Below 45 Yrs.
4. Law Manager: 01 Post
Age: Below 45 Yrs.
5. Manager Taxation / Advances: 02 Posts
Age: Below 45 Yrs.
6. P.A. to C.E.O: 01 Post
Age: Below 40 Yrs.
7. Receptionist: 02 Posts
Age: Below 35 Yrs.
Bank Recruitment 2017
Educational Qualification & Experience:
1. General Manager:
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute / Master degree in commerce or science with 5 years experience of scheduled bank in higher post like AGM or DGM. CAIIB preferably. Experience in co-op. scheduled bank preferably.
Master degree in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of scheduled bank as Manager with at list 5 years experience as AGM or DGM.
2. Asstt. General Manager:
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank as a Manager.
Graduate in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of as a Manager in scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. CAIIB and Master degree preferably.
3. HRD Manager: MBA ( HRD ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Specially worked in HR area.
4. LAW Manager: LLM with 3 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank as a legal Manager or Officer.
5. Manager (Taxation, Advances): Chartered Accountant having experience of loan processing, project finance or taxation. Scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank experience preferably.
6. P.A. to C.E.O: Graduate having experience as P.A. to CEO of big institute /company or scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Preferably knowledge of short hand in English & Gujarati. And fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi language.
7. Receptionist: Graduate 5 years experience as receptionist in reputed Hotel, big institute /company. fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi and having knowledge of computer operating system.
Salary : As per bank’s industry norms. For deserving candidate higher salary may be considered.
Selection Process: interview
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates may apply online before 01-03-2017 and Hard copy is to be dispatch to below address with attachment.
Address: The Mahesana Urban Co-Op. Bank Ltd., Urban Corporate Building, Highway, Mahesana.
Last Date: 01-03-2017
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